Unapologetic new single ‘So Gay’ from LGBT artist Hunter
Even in the 21st century people are being oppressed, ridiculed and disgustingly judged for who they love or how they live. With recent events it is more important than ever that we stand together. Against anyone or anything that threatens our way of life. We must continue to support artists like Hunter who seek to break down these walls of discrimination through music. Creating liberating and fun music we can all enjoy on our journey to a more accepting world.
Listen to and watch the lyric video for the lead track from So Gay here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOyS3cF_zQA&sns=em
Already being marked as an influential flag bearer for gay rights, Hunter has had to struggle through discrimination simply to be who he is. ‘So Gay’ is almost like an exhale of breath, proudly shouting out to the world who he is whilst encouraging those in similar positions to do the same. The track not only rallies troops from all different backgrounds but calls out and puts down those who dare to stand in their way.
Originally from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and born of Indian heritage, Hunter hails from Eastern Africa – a country still threatened by the ridiculous law of illegalising homosexuality. Combined with being raised Muslim by Indian parents, Hunter had to begin his fight before he even really knew what he was fighting for. Managing to break free and begin pursuing his dream of becoming an artist. After completing his education in London, he remained in the city to further another of his passions – dance. Truly an inspiration, Hunter became a tutor and choreographer within the Asian dance industry. Already showing his creativity and knack for combing different cultures through the fusing together of Western dance styles with Bollywood.
This talent for seamlessly combining cultures flowed into Hunter’s music with the release of his first single ‘So Gay’ from his EP of the same name. An uplifting, humorous and blunt track recorded in London by Niraj Chag. A producer highly recognised for his skills in combing music from different cultures. It’s no wonder Hunter and Niraj were able to perfectly pair together to create something that has the potential to become a gay anthem.
The introduction of ‘So Gay’ sounds like a beautiful mixture of both Eastern and Western music, Hunter’s convincing American Southern growl playing over a sitar like string picking. Possibly inventing a new genre of Eastern country music. Beginning with a slow electro-blues riff before hitting a little harder into the chorus. The lyrics of the song are simple and to the point. Not wasting any time with extravagant metaphors or intricate similes. Stating simply ‘I’m gay…judge all you want’, calling homophobes out and daring them to challenge Hunter. Whilst the song is one with the theme of being accepted, it also celebrates the differences between us all. Reaching out to everyone within the LGBTQ+ community no matter their gender or sexual orientation. The lyric music video features images of soldiers marching as well as Pride parades, splicing together these two separate shows of unity but creating the undeniable message: ‘run back to your closet/you homophobic boy.’
‘So Gay’ has been given two club remixes as well as the promise of upcoming merchandise to continue supporting the fight against homophobes.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hunter-Hunter-126407388048990/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HunterTheVoice
Instagram: hunter.the.voice
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3eJjIzxaZ2ahFwDiva9dA?view_as=subscriber