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Is this the Most Divisive Candidate for Christmas Number One Ever?

We could not be more delighted to be the first website in the world to cover a song which is either going to delight or disgust – either way, we’re all for people talking about music.

Hunter is not your average recording artist. As an openly gay man, he has had to dodge negativity from all angles – as an Indian Muslim growing up in Tanzania (where homosexuality is illegal), he has taken this to the extremes of tolerance but has come through the other side and now has a point to prove. “So Gay” is a protest song and a call to arms, not only to the gay community but to anyone who has suffered oppression and rejection from society. Far from hi-NRG or clichéd disco, the track is based on a traditional blues guitar riff and Hunter’s convincing southern American drawl. When the chorus kicks in, it would be fair to say, so does any attempt at subtlety. This is in your face, proud as you like anthemic stuff but one which calls for unity against oppression and not protest without an answer for the sake of it.

Oh, and there is the video. Footage of army rallies may not be the most tasteful or delicate imagery but then that’s the whole point – one army of positivity rising up against an army of negativity. You can expect Hunter to be waging his war for some time – with remixes and merchandise due in the near future, the power of music to influence and aggravate in equal measure won’t have been demonstrated to this extent for many years.

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